A Living Planet or an Industrialized Economy?
Thursday, 17th October 2013 – 19.30h - Rote Fabrik, Zürich
Enjoy a film – discuss – network – win a DVD - 10 CHF
Somewhere in New Mexico Before the End of Time tells two narratives at once;
It portrays some of the insanity of Industrial Civilisation and the culture of consumerism which are in the process of rendering the Earth largely, or perhaps completely, uninhabitable for humans and other large mammals in a matter of a few decades as a consequence of escalating pollution and conversion of the natural world into stuff;
The other narrative shows the efforts of emeritus professor Guy McPherson to challenge the culture of empire and consumerism, and lead by example towards more sustainable ways of living.
OoU, 90 Min., USA, 2013, Regie: Michael Sosebee
Following an Online-Interview with Dr. McPherson.
On our podium we welcome:
Martin Klöti – Neustart Schweiz
Kurt Lanz – Economiesuisse
Alexander Stefes - Club of Rome
„Beyond 1 degree C may elicit rapid, unpredictable and non-linear responeses that could lead to extensive ecosystem damage.“
UN Advisory Group on Greenhouse Gases